I wish I were a better person
Am I alone in this? It's not like I think I'm a bad person, necessarily, because I have a lot of good qualities, and people like me, and whatnot, but I could really be so much better if only I weren't a capital L lazyass (that's Lazyass, if you're really monitoring this closely).
Sure, I work for a living, and I take language classes, and I do volunteer work and I'm learning how to quilt (and love giving my quilts away), but I am still a champion slacker, and always have been. My house is fairly clean but spectacularly untidy; not enough exercise and attention to healthy living is given every day; I neglect my writing and my e-mails appallingly, making friends, family and strangers alike wonder where the hell I've been. Remember the trip to Italy and London, from which we returned May 27? Still not blogged on TravelPod, despite weekly reminders from my stepmother. Getting the house ready to put on the market so we can move back to SF this year? Not even close. Shopping and cooking for the week every single Sunday so I don't have to stress during the week? Who am I, Betty Crocker?? Walking 45 minutes a night, regardless of what I'm reading or want to watch on the idiot box? Um, no.
Any motivational insights for me? Anything inspirational that's worked for you? All constructive thoughts are welcome.