

Want to drive 15 pre-schoolers out of their minds? Rent a giant bouncy house for your next backyard birthday party. Ohhhh, yeah!!! Gabriela turned two on May Day, but her party was yesterday, and it was a huge hit. Adriana picked ladybug/butterfly theme, and decorated and did favors all in line, and I volunteered to be The Cookie Lady. I baked butterfly and caterpillar shaped sugar cookies, and frosted them with (hand-colored) frosting in pink, peach, yellow, lavender and green, then we had the kids each decorate his or her own. We had an array of colored sugars, candy confetti, sprinkles, jimmies, etc and the kids went WILD -- ages 2 to 12, girls and boys alike, all joined in, and it was sooooo cute. Gabby turned out to be the only one who tried to grab more than one cookie, but hey, man, it's her birthday, she can try if she wants to.... Heh. Super cute.

Ok, I'm going home; gotta leave for the airport. Peace out.


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