Packed and ready to go
Still scared of flying, of course, but strangely, looking forward to going to London for the arbitration. I haven't been to trial in about 6 years, and I was really quite good at it, and am kind of excited to do it, now that I don't do it any more on anything resembling a regular basis. It seems like everything's lined up ok (now that I've gotten over my rage at certain peoples' outrageously prima-donna-esque behavior), and it will be good to see Eli and Rob and Connie and all the other cats over there, although I bet we'll be working a ton. Still, there might be some lulls, for poking around London. Aaaah, London!
I leave tomorrow at 5:30, arriving Tuesday at noon-ish. I'll go to the hotel to shower so I don't knock anyone over, then to the office in Canary Wharf. I'm soooo happy I'll get to hang with Mikaal and Rangana this trip.... Well, I guess I'm thinking I'll see them; we'll see how it turns out.