What's Namibian for "Give me a fucking break!!!"?
This story just made me want to puke. Yet another Hollywood couple is having a baby out of wedlock -- a baby conceived, mind you, while its adulterous father was still married, no less -- and the child (as well as its glamorous parents) is being all-but deified?! What kind of a world is this?? Especially, not for nothing, in AFRICA, which last time I checked had some pretty damned important things to actually care about, rather than this Brangelina bullshit. AIDS, anyone? Congolese militia, soldiers and police raping women with knives and anything they can lay their hands on, to ensure they can't have children? Darfur ring any bells? Famine? Crime? Poverty, illiteracy, disease? I could just tear my hair out. Don't get me wrong: I read People, and I'm sure in some way that contributes to the global inexhaustible thirst for celebrity gossip, but national holiday?!!?!!?!! COME ON!!!!!
LANGSTRAND, Namibia (Reuters) -
Half of Namibians voting in an informal radio survey believe the day Angelina Jolie gives birth should be declared a national holiday, an honor usually reserved for kings, queens and national heroes.
"We have a tie, it's 50-50," the DJ for popular local radio station Radio Wave announced on
Tuesday after listeners were asked whether the "Brangelina" baby should be accorded the honor. She said voting was still going on.
Hollywood stars Jolie and Brad Pitt sparked an international media frenzy when they arrived in Namibia with her two adopted children to have their first child. But while residents of the southern African country have so far been unfazed by the visit, local media is now getting into the act, with the daily Namib Times speculating that the baby might arrive at the weekend or early next week.
The couple have remained almost invisible in their beach resort in the tiny village of Langstrand on the country's desert coastline, shielded by tight security.
Apparently Namibia is a nation of star-fuckers. OTOH, how often does Namibia get any press? They're taking their shot and milking it for all it's worth.
Too bad it's not worth much.
Dude: I justy read your December 05 entries, which also include references to Messers Pitt & Clooney. Is it a theme NOW?
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