Dewfactor. The world from my dewpoint. My point of dew, as it were.
Well, hell, anyone can write, right? But not everyone can spell. Bringing good spelling, good grammar, and what passes for wit, direct from me to you. All that plus a few more swear words, 'cause you can never get enough of those!
About Me
- Name: Dew
- Location: California, United States
Born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, I've lived in Jackson Heights, NY; Deming, NM; Montpelier, VT; Ashdod and Ashkelon, Israel; Jersey City; Sandy Springs, GA; Brookline, MA; Aurora, NY; Amherst, MA and northern and southern California.
Snopes covers it here. Basically, the photographer that shot the "looters" witnessed them go into a store and come out with stuff. The white people (different photographer and different news agency) weren't witnessed doing anything.
Libel laws, ya know.
Fair enough.
Still, kinda unsettling.
Meanwhile, would it be impertinent of me to send the good people at Snopes, whose site I adore, a copy of Strunk & White?
I found this unsettling, too. I also found the explanation to be weak.
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